Monday, March 1, 2010

Ho hum

I haven't posted in a long time thought it was about time...
My wife has me on a diet -counting calories. Unfortunately this week girl scout cookies were delivered, broke diet, though I do give God the glory for Thin Mints.

Today is a ho hum day. Even though there is lots going on: counseling appointments, visitation, etc., it is just one of those Mondays with the weather overcast and my secretary and the associate pastor out of the office, I feel very unmotivated. How do you turn a ho hum day into an exciting day? Spend time with God. This verse keeps coming to me: "Be still and know that I am God". Prayer, meditation and solitude with God seem to take a backseat with the hectic, busy lives we lead, but days like today remind us that we need to make those Christian disciplines a priority. In doing so, God is glorified and we are blessed, and the ho hum becomes the got something done. Next time don't wait for a day like today but make time alone with God an every day meeting.


Dr. Mike Kear said...

Amen, bro.

While you are praying, would you lift up our new small group ministry that will be launching on March 14th? I'll be leading this new group which is affiliated with Emmanuel Baptist Church here in Enid, OK.

Blessings To You,

Pastor Bob Farmer said...

I would be privileged to do so my brother. May God bless your ministry and may you reap a harvest from it: by His grace and for His glory.

In Christ,